Footprints of Jesus
A sweet, simple song -- and one that is excellent for introducing harmony in that the alto part uses only two notes which periodically join up with the melody to provide many "jumping in" opportunities.
Original lyrics:
Sweetly, Lord, have we heard THEE calling,
Come, follow me!
And we see where THY footprints falling
Lead us to THEE.
Footprints of Jesus,
That make the pathway glow;
We will follow the steps of Jesus
Wheree’er they go.
Tho’ they lead o’er the cold, dark mountains,
Seeking His sheep;
Or along by Siloam’s fountains,
Helping the weak.
If they lead thro’ the temple holy,
Preaching the Word;
Or in homes of the poor and lowly,
Serving the Lord.
By and by, thro’ the shining portals,
Turning our feet,
We shall walk, with the glad immortals,
Heav’n’s golden streets.
Lyrics by Mary B.C. Slade, 1871
Comments and Suggestions:
Verse 1 would be even plainer if rendered: WE HAVE HEARD YOU, LORD, SWEETLY CALLING. This would be much more straightforward because it places the adverb in proximity to the verb it is modifying. At initial glance, shifting THEE to YOU in verse 1 would appear to disrupt an ABAB rhyme scheme. There is no good way to preserve the ME/THEE rhyme without significantly altering the wording of the verse, which includes a quotation from Scripture. Closer examination, however, reveals that the ABAB rhyme scheme is followed only in the chorus. After the first verse, the B rhyme is never again a true rhyme but at best a slant rhyme: sheep/weak, Word/Lord, feet/streets. The ME/YOU opposition is not even a slant rhyme, but also does not unduly disrupt the overall poetry of the lyric given there is no consistent strong rhyme in the lyric anyway.
Renewal lyrics:
Sweetly, Lord, have we heard YOU calling,
Come, follow me!
And we see where YOUR footprints falling
Lead us to YOU.
Footprints of Jesus,
That make the pathway glow;
We will follow the steps of Jesus
Where e’er they go.
Tho’ they lead o’er the cold, dark mountains,
Seeking His sheep;
Or along by Siloam’s fountains,
Helping the weak.
If they lead thro’ the temple holy,
Preaching the Word;
Or in homes of the poor and lowly,
Serving the Lord.
By and by, thro’ the shining portals,
Turning our feet,
We shall walk, with the glad immortals,
Heav’n’s golden streets.
Renewal lyric changes by RH Reinhard, 2014